Saturday, January 19, 2013

whats going on

MovieStarPlanet: A game for kids to play to make movies and become famous.
teanalPratSeivoM: MovieStarPlanet's ugly side. The drama, the boyfriends, the competitivity, the bullying, the lying, the QUITTING. The day after joannapety quit MovieStarPlanet on October 12th, 2011, 31% of MovieStarPlanet users, 14% of those V.I.P, quit with her. So There was a devil moment. MovieStarPlanet was feeling as though they were losing customers and money, so they pretended to be her, claiming on her profile "I feel bad about losing all of my friends. So I've decided to stay :)" Then, in late January, 2012, they made her account unsuspectingly disappeared. Then, 2 weeks laer, #3 on the most popular list turns into #1. Ohhitzautmn becomes #1 on the rank list after staciecakums quits. Currently, Ohhitzautumn is being beaten by pumpchkin and Green*. OhhItzAutumn refuses to go onto MovieStarPlanet feared for she will be in deeper trouble.

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