Friday, January 4, 2013

msp news and stuff

     hey im not trying to be mean but lower leavels do not i reapet do belong with use we are high they need to leavel up eny ways i was in a chatroom and there was a leavel 2 guy dating a vip wich was lvl 11 i dont get tht we should not have to be close to them and im not being mean im telling the truth evey body knowns it i do you do so wats the big deal im not bullying im telling the truth and thts it im no evey i mean ever bulling and wats with the lvl 1 and under bossing use lvls around they make peaple quit so i think pumps not taking over i think they are making peaple quit they are going to keep doing it intill evey high lvl quites then they got moviestarplannet to themselves.So i was wondering about tht and i was in a chatroom a lvl 0 girl came to me and said your ugly and stupid no boys like you and i was like ya they do and im way hotter then u and she told a munch of peaple saying i made her cry saying she was ugly and a noob i never NEVER said tht and my friends are deleting me by the minite and they want believe me so im getting deleted gues they were not good ones so im fine and you know one day im going to get revange on tht girl im still trying to be like pumpchkin and get on top but its not going to happen im on lvl 8 shes on lvl 25 how could i lvl up tht fast i donna know I CANT so im just going to keep asking for autos and crap and wl and greeting to lvl up im still working on it i got about 2,100 more fame till i get lvl 9 i cant wait till i get there so plx help  me with tht. so help me out with tht one im also working on making a new youtube video of me i dont really want to because im kinnda shy but heres a vid not on youtube yet!

this little girl thinks pump is not famous well she is duh shes been like tht for a while wach it plx

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