Saturday, January 19, 2013

msp hacking tips

Hi and this is my thirteenth post but this one is about MovieStarPlanet and hacking. Getting hacked is very rare but it can still happen. There is one very, very famous MovieStarPlanet hacker called anonymous. Highlight these words with your cursor and find out about anonymous.
You can usually find her in chat rooms. She hasn't made any art books or movies like the whole account is based on. She hasn't got any friends or best friends or a boyfriend on the website (I remember as once when I was in the chat room with her in someone actually went and asked her on a date!). SHE DOESN'T TAKE CLOTHES!!! 
Now if the highlighted part didn't work just leave a comment. I hate to scare you but anonymous is back with her new moto, 'Nobody's safe'. So to keep safe just don't breathe a word about your password.

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