Saturday, January 19, 2013

msp gifts trades and wl

i! This post is about MovieStarPlanet wishlists. Usually if you are VIP or a high level people tend to ask you for 'wishies'. Now I get that a lot. If you start to get annoyed by it you can just ignore it or just say no. And if they say they are going to 'report' you, don't worry, either they won't or you wouldn't get into trouble for saying no to buying someone a wish. I mean, why should we spend our money on them if they are just going to 'report' us? Anyway, now for gifts. Gifts aren't the same as wishes, as you don't have to buy them. It is if you have an item you don't want you can either recycle it or give it away as a gift. Usually people would rather trade then give the things away. There are two types of trading. The usual one is when the two people make looks of each other and they basically swap the looks, and the second type is kind of hard to explain. Some moviestars make 'trade books' on the art books in Movietown and trade them. OK so that was my MovieStarPlanet gifts, trades and wishes. Bye!

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