On MovieStarPlanet break ups and falling out is common. Talking about this I want to give a quick shout out to bella blue 11 today she's lost all her best friends. Poor bella. Anyway so I have a few agony aunt questions and advice for you if this happens. Let's start with the agony aunt things.
'I had a fight with my best friend once but that's all fine, just that the other day she said some mean stuff but the next day she bought me a wish. I am confused about that.'
'Well either your old best friend misses you or she is sorry about saying that mean stuff; and either way that means she feels bad about the her-and-you thing. And if you miss her it sounds as if she misses you so perhaps ask her if you can be best friends again.'
'Me and my ex boyfriend broke up and he knows I have another boyfriend now but he keeps asking me out again and again! It's getting ever so annoying!'
'Well just tell him that it's getting annoying. Perhaps try and find him a girlfriend so he won't annoy you so.'
OK so that was the agony aunt and I just want to give shreyasboy3 a shoutout. I've been on MSP for a bit in between writing this post and my best friend shruthigirl1234 was online and - long story. I was going to buy her a wish and she said that she would ask her bro to tell her how to get Star Coins quickly, so shruthigirl said her bro liked her outfit and that he had a crush on me so he logged on, and we just became boyfriend and girlfriend. Then these two people wanted to have their wedding in my house, and then they broke up. Anyway, now I should give you some advice. For starters, don't you let break ups get you upset! You'll probably make up soon, and if you don't it will probably be for the best of it. Well I've written a pretty long post now and shreyasboy3 is waiting for me so bye!
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